40 Days With Jesus

40 Days With Jesus

LENT 2023
Our journey through Lent this year will be simple and deep. We will walk with Jesus through the last week of his life, as portrayed in Luke 20-23 and relevant companion readings.

  • We are each encouraged to fast in one way or another.
  • We are each invited to take five minutes of silence to start each day, inviting the Lord to speak to us.
  • We are each invited to read the day’s scripture and reflect on it by journaling, discussion and/or meditation. Thank about the meaning and intent of the passage. Think about its implications for you and others. (Free bibles are available at the church.)

Week 7
This week we veer a bit from Luke to prepare for the cross and Easter.

Monday, April 3
read Exodus 12:1-13

Tuesday, April 4
read Exodus 12:21-23

Wednesday, April 5
read John 13:1-17

Thursday, April 6
Isaiah 53:1-7

Friday, April 7
read Isaiah 53:8-12

Saturday, April 8
read Luke 24:1-35

Easter Sunday, April 9
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!!

Art: CC Eric Gill 1926
Scripture: Unless noted is from the NIV 2011 Biblica, Inc when quoted
Fasting: During Lent, millions of Christians are fasting from something. Fasting often involves not eating food in some way. Sometimes, that can be a total abstention, a “water fast”. We don’t recommend these at any length beyond a couple of days unless you have a good deal of experience fasting and are under a doctor’s supervision. And we also don’t recommend water fasts if you’ve ever suffered from an eating disorder. Other fasts involve not eating a certain kind of food, tv or social media – anything that feels costly to give up for a bit while you focus on being close to God.