I’m Mark Tindall, Senior Pastor here at Blue Route and I’d like to welcome you to our church. For over 20 years it’s been our dream to build a church that pleases God, beginning primarily with young adults from various backgrounds, families, cultures, and spiritual starting points, as well as people of all ages who feel called to pursue this dream with us. This dream began with God, who has committed Himself to being renowned in this, and every generation. Amazingly, He has entrusted it to us.
We believe this dream will become reality first in the Blue Route region and then, as God wills, multiply to become 10 closely related churches throughout the Delaware Valley. Our only confidence is in God and, in Him, we are very confident. Jesus taught us to pray, “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”1 May God have absolute rule among us in increasing measure and scope; may He shape Blue Route Vineyard as a potter shapes the clay; and may we bring a smile to His face.
Our Statement of Faith
OUR PRACTICES : By the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit, we will prayerfully…
Humble ourselves and worship God wholeheartedly, both in our daily lives and when we gather together
Know and love Jesus deeply and model our lives after His
Seek the Holy Spirit for intimacy, power, and guidance
Turn regularly to the Bible and let its truth shape us
Pursue real fellowship, caring for each other with the love that Christ has given us
Commit ourselves to a lifestyle of reaching out to others, particularly those who do not know Jesus
Train, encourage, and empower each church member to fulfill the calling that God has placed on his or her life
Serve the Lord and minister according to our God-given passions, abilities, and gifts
Design ministry structures consistent with our values and marked by effectiveness, flexibility, and the creativity of the Holy Spirit
Self-giving, agape love. This is the way of our Lord who came to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many. When we love, we reflect Him and when we do not, we can do nothing of value.2
Generosity. We aim to give continually of our time, our energy, and our material resources.3
Unity with and high regard for the church of Jesus Christ. We are one with the church throughout the world and throughout time, in general, and with the Association of Vineyard Churches, specifically. While we are placed by God in one particular location and called initially to focus on one particular generation, we are only a small part of the majestic, eternal, self-revealing work of God—the church.4
Leadership. Leaders are servants called by God to follow Jesus Christ humbly, and then by their actions and their words, help others follow Him as well. In addition, we honor those who follow faithfully as much as we do those who lead faithfully.5
Humility. We aspire always to count others better than ourselves.6
Wholeness in singleness. To be single, either for a short period or for a lifetime, constitutes an opportunity to receive many blessings from God. We will encourage singles to engage in a rich and complete life in Christ.7
Healthy marriages and families. We value the family and will support it with our teaching, our scheduling demands, our leadership and our children’s and youth ministries.8
Joy. The first believers found joy when they met together in the name of Christ. We will refresh one another with fun and laughter in fellowship.9
Reality. We want to know God with increasing intimacy. Jesus despised empty religion and offered a full, rich relationship with God instead. We want to be real with each other as well, speaking the truth in love and removing our masks. When we’re together, there should be no reason to pretend anything, especially spirituality.10
Safety. Likewise, we want to be a safe, trustworthy people who bring healing when someone reveals his or her wounds and fears.11
Integrity. To have integrity is to be whole—to be the same person whether or not someone is watching. May God receive pleasure and glory from the purity and integrity of our character.12
No manipulation. We know great news. When we tell others we have no need to sell or package Jesus. The truth is powerful enough to stand alone; anything else is a distraction or a hindrance to the gospel.13
Cultural relevance. In every way acceptable to God, we want to send out signals of familiarity to those we are trying to reach.14
Holy approachability. Even though Jesus was utterly holy, He felt comfortable at parties with sinners like us and our friends. We, too, desire to be wholly devoted to God without compromise and yet to be good friends with people who do not yet know Him.15
Quality. We believe in honoring God with our very best; whatever we do, we will aim to do well.16
Commitment. We will earnestly and wholeheartedly dedicate ourselves to one another as members of Blue Route Vineyard.17
Multiplication. Healthy organisms multiply. We are committed both to sending out leaders from our church and to allowing changes to occur within our community in order to enable the multiplication of Christians, small groups, and churches.18
Maturity. We desire a life of growing up and growing together, until we attain “the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” 19
1 Matthew 6:10 2 John 13:34-35, Galatians 5:14 3 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 4 John 17: 20-23 5 Hebrews 13:17 6 Philippians 2:3 71 Corinthians 7: 32-35 8 Hebrews 13:4 92 John 12 10 Ephesians 4:15, 4:25 11 Proverbs 11:12-13 12 Psalm 25:21 13 Galatians 6:14 14 1 Corinthians 9: 19-23
15 John 17: 15-18 16 Numbers 18: 29 17 Romans 12:10 18 Mark 4:8 19 Ephesians 4:13